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Repair of the Perkins Braille typewriter on "The Repair Shop" on BBC one.

Repair of the Perkins Braille typewriter on "The Repair Shop" on BBC one.

After our last appearance on the Repair Shop back in 2019, A lot of things have changed and all we could say is that our repair of the Corona 3 typewriter on National Television was a life changing event.ย 
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20 typewriter facts and stories you did not know.

20 typewriter facts and stories you did not know.

A company dropped typewriters from an Airplane! and why there is no โ€œ1โ€ key on many typewriters ??

These are just two out of many facts and stories I learned about typewriters since 2015 while building up our typewriter restoration business, Mr and Mrs vintage typewriters.

Join me today as we delve into the lesser-known facts and captivating stories behind these charming machines.

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The rare Olivetti Graphika Typewriter: All you need to know.

The rare Olivetti Graphika Typewriter: All you need to know.

In the late 1950s, deep within the exquisite landscapes of Italy, a revolution was quietly brewing. Little did the world know at the time, but a typewriter unlike any other was about to make its grand entrance.

This is the story of the Olivetti Graphika, a typewriter that defied convention and pushed boundaries. A typewriter ahead of its time.ย 

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